Can Cats Eat Watermelon USA 2022

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Can Cats Eat Watermelon USA 2022

Watermelon is packed with electrolytes, making it a super-good alternative to Powerade or Gatorade, which is packed with added sugar. Sounds like a great deal, huh?

In addition, Watermelon has no fat. That’s why so many people love this fruit! Everything you bite is full of vitamins, antioxidants, and other scientific substances, which makes us crave each piece even more. Most of us humans like watermelon as our favorite fruit! But what about our feline friends?

Can cats eat watermelons? The answer is yes!

Some of y’all will be surprised to learn that cats are lactose intolerant, so feeding them a bowl of milk and nibbles is not a very good idea. A better alternative? Watermelon. Moreover, Lycopene is found in fruits and vegetables, and watermelon has the highest value in this product.

When these substances enter your system, they trigger all sorts of healthy reactions that make your body happy. It has insane health benefits. And when your body is happy, you will feel good. Excellent episode? The best part -that now you can share slices of watermelon with your cat!

Health benefits of eating watermelon for cats

Watermelon is rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, C, B1, and B6, as well as potassium, magnesium, biotin, antioxidants, proteins, fatty acids, and carotenoids. It is also rich in dietary fiber and very low in calories (1 cup = 46 cal). If your cat is constipated or slightly dehydrated on a hot day or even curious about what to eat, watermelon can be satisfying.

Lycopene, a compound that gives watermelon its bright red color, offers additional health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular disease. This fruit is made up of 92% water, which also makes it a very digestion favorite and refreshing especially on hot days.

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Remember -Moderation is the key

That being said, cats do not share the same nutritional needs as humans. For example, watermelon is very high in carbohydrates and cats do not have the essential requirement for dietary carbohydrates. So, cats can eat watermelon but you have to keep it moderate basis.

Therefore, while some cats may find watermelon as an excellent source of water, they have a higher protein requirement than most other mammals [being a natural carnivore] and should intake meat properly.

How much watermelon can cats eat?

Cats are real carnivores. Meat is an essential ingredient in their diet. But what about the fruit — are they safe for cats? And if so, what fruit can cats eat?

Due to their lack of sweet taste receptors, cats generally do not want the sweetness found in the fruit. However, there are several types of fruit that cats can eat as a moderate treatment. A few bites can easily be tolerated by their very sensitive digestive tract.

Cats can eat a small portion of watermelon and meat from time to time. It is recommended that you do not feed the cats too much watermelon, especially in place of an afternoon or evening meal.

Remember – Diabetic cats should not be fed watermelons because of the natural availability of sugar levels in the fruit.

How should watermelon be fed?

Similar to the danger of pets eating apple seeds, watermelon seeds contain cyanide, which can be very harmful to cats. The rind can also be difficult for cats to chew and digest, and can cause constipation, or stomach upset. For these reasons, it is best to remove the rind before giving watermelon to your cat friend.

Although the amount of cyanide in a few seeds cannot possibly cause danger to human beings, cats have very small, fragile, and poor digestive systems. Seeds can be dangerous if they get choked, especially for small breeds. So, pay attention to the way of feeding watermelon correctly.

First and foremost remove the rind and seeds or feed the seedless variety.

Important: Always consult your veterinary doctor before introducing any new food item in your feline’s diet.

What happens if cats eat the rind and seeds?

Although watermelon content is very safe for your cat to eat, the seeds should not be eaten by your furry companion. Watermelon seeds contain compounds that can be harmful to your cat, such as cyanide. Biting seeds may cause the release of harmful toxins into your animal.

As a child, you may have heard that swallowing watermelon seeds will cause a watermelon to grow in your stomach. Of course not! However, do not let your cat swallow the seeds. Although there is no chance of seed germination in any digestive system, it is still dangerous for cats to swallow watermelon seeds. She may get cyanide poison.


If your cat has never tasted a watermelon in its lifespan, you might want to consider keeping a detailed track of any unusual actions or upset stomach for potential illness You want to make sure your cat friend does not feel uneasy. You may also want to notice any change in their behavior in some cases.

Vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation are all symptoms of a cat reacting to what it has eaten. If your cat reacts negatively, it may become allergic and you should henceforth stop feeding them watermelon regularly.

Let’s review:

  • Cats can be fed watermelon in moderation and not in place of a meal.
  • Diabetic cats shouldn’t be fed watermelon.
  • Watermelon should only be fed after removing the rinds and seeds completely.
  • If your cat shows any negative symptoms, consult a vet immediately.

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